The New Zealand Rhododendron Association is a group of  Rhododendron enthusiasts, from those with little, to those with a wealth of knowledge of rhododendrons and indeed most plants.

Registrations for Rhodenza 2025 will be opening SOON!

Join us in locating, identifying and propagating NZ raised Rhododendron hybrids focusing on their historical importance.


Find out more about our ex situ species project which is focusing on recording species present in New Zealand and taking steps to ensure these species are not lost.


What's happening in my region?

2025 Garden Tour

based in


Mark 31st October to 3rd November in your calendar now.  To embark on the 2025 Garden Tour for the 79th Annual Conference, hosted in Cambridge.   Join us for an action-packed four days of beautiful gardens, amazing scenery, and great hospitality.

The 2025 registrations are now open!

Interested in becoming a member?

Connect with like-minded Rhododendron enthusiasts.

Informative quarterly newsletters and annual Journal

Annual Rhodenza Rhododendron Conference and spectacular garden tours held in both North and South Islands

To celebrate Rhododendrons with others and to share knowledge and friendship

What am I?


NZRA Content & Extras

2025 Garden Tour

Based In


Mark 31st October to 3rd November in your calendar now.  To embark on the 2025 Garden Tour for the 79th Annual Conference, hosted in Cambridge.

Join us for an action-packed four days of beautiful gardens, amazing scenery, and great hospitality.

The 2025 Garden Tour registrations are now open!

New Zealand Hybrids and Registration


There are many named New Zealand hybrids widely distributed and readily available, however there are several that have not been registered. We encourage those who are associated with such plants to consider formally registering them in order to ensure that the name is protected and to provide a suitable provenance for future rhododendron growers.

A Practical Guide For Growing Rhododendrons

Here is your go to guide for everything to do with rhododendrons! A year in the life of a rhododendron.  All questions quickly answered like; when to feed, prune. How and when to combat insects or fungi.

Vireya Rhododendrons

Vireyas are a group of approx. species of rhododendrons which grow predominantly in tropical mountainous areas ranging from 1200 to 2400 metres. They can be found mostly in Malaysia, Indonesia, Phillipines, Papua New Guinea and North Queensland with some also in NE India and Vietnam. Most vireyas are epiphytic in cool montane forests but higher altitude species grow in the ground. Many species and hybrids flower more than once during the year.

Ex Situ Species Project

The ex situ  project is a collaborative initiative involving the Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust, Massey University, NZ Rhododendron Association, and Taranaki Regional Council. Its primary aim is to contribute to global ex situ conservation of threatened Rhododendron species by managing the 'New Zealand' Rhododendron collection.  In this project we collaborate with partner collections to cultivate rhododendrons on multiple sites throughout New Zealand.

Local Rhododendron Groups

Current rhodenza flier and teasers of what to expect

Link to Local Groups page

Keep in touch with the latest news