NZRA COUNCIL 2024 – 2025



Chris Hughes


Ph +64 0274332096

E-mail:  [email protected]

Immediate Past President

Sue Gardiner

Dr Sue Davies FRSNZ, FISHS

‘I have loved Rhododendrons since I was a teenager in my mother’s garden at ‘Woodchester’ and attended NZRA conferences with her for a very long time.  Now my husband and I have our own garden, ‘Omahuri’.

Ph +64 6 357 0159

Vice President North Island

Postion Vacant

Vice President South Island

Lisa Williams

Lisa Williams

I have always been passionate about horticulture and with the purchase of RhodoDirect my focus has been on developing my expertise in rhododendrons which I propagate and grow on-site.  As a member of local rhododendron and gardening groups and as a councilor for the New Zealand Rhododendron Association representing Canterbury, I am dedicated to sharing our knowledge and expertise with others.

Ph +64 21 746 368


Elizabeth Anglesey

E-mail:  [email protected]

M.  027 576 6101

Treasurer and Membership Secretary

Elizabeth Anglesey

E-mail:  [email protected]

M.  027 576 6101

Other Council Members

Northern (Ward 1)

Position Vacant

Western (Ward 2)

Position Vacant

Bay of Plenty (Ward 3)

Paul Shaw

Ph +64 7 332 3733

East Coast (Ward 4)

Position Vacant

Central (Ward 5)

Sue Gardiner

Dr Sue Davies FRSNZ, FISHS

‘I have loved Rhododendrons since I was a teenager in my mother’s garden at ‘Woodchester’ and attended NZRA conferences with her for a very long time.  Now my husband and I have our own garden, ‘Omahuri’.

Ph +64 6 357 0159

Wellington Region (Ward 6)

Richard Nanson MNZM

Ph +64 4 385 8586
Cell +64 27 477 4074

Hurunui, Nelson, Marlborough, Westland (Ward 7)

Steve Richards

Ph +64 03 318 6815

Selwyn, Christchurch, Waimakariri (Ward 8)

Lisa Williams

Lisa Williams

I have always been passionate about horticulture and with the purchase of RhodoDirect my focus has been on developing my expertise in rhododendrons which I propagate and grow on-site.  As a member of local rhododendron and gardening groups and as a councilor for the New Zealand Rhododendron Association representing Canterbury, I am dedicated to sharing our knowledge and expertise with others.

Ph +64 21 746 368

South Canterbury-North Otago-Mid Canterbury (Ward 9)

Joy O'K

Joy O'Keefe

Ph +64 3 692 2864

It was while Bernie was Principal of a small rural school in the Waimate area that my interest in rhododendrons was born.  Three years later we bought a farm on the West Coast. It was here we started propagating rhododendrons as a hobby. Ron Coker, Bert Bevin were great mentors when starting out, later on Tom Garbutt. After 15 years on The Coast, we moved back to Woodbury, South Canterbury. It was here propagating rhododendrons started in earnest and a nursery and large garden were established. Because of my intense interest in rhododendrons I felt I could contribute to the organization and continue to learn.  I have been 17 years on Council, serving as Newsletter Editor and President.

Dunedin-Clutha (Ward 10)

Ben Moi Bessie364

Sandra Nichelsen

Ph +64 021 155 0002

Soutland-Wakatipu (Ward 11)

Laura Thompson

Ph +64 021 2244409


Pukeiti Representative


Marion McKay

“Marion is a scientist at Massey University in New Zealand and has been involved with Rhododendron research for about 15 years.  She is on the Trust Board of Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust and is project leader for the New Zealand ex situ conservation project.  Internationally she is involved with the Global Conservation Consortium for Rhododendron and was the author (along with others) of the 2018 global conservation update. “

Ph +64 3 528 8497

NZ Rhododendron Registrar

Brian Coker

Brian Coker,
ph. 027 434 8383

Brian, together with wife Helen, have had an interest in rhododendrons spanning more than 40 years.  Brian's uncle and aunt, Ron and Mollie Coker were early members of NZRA and through them they passed on a love for the genus.  Both Brian and Helen have dabbled in hybridising and propagation over the years with R. 'Jonathan Coker' registered for their son.  Following the Christchurch earthquake in 2011, in which Brian lost both legs, they built a new home at West Melton near Christchurch and established a new garden on a flat 3600m2 with more room for rhododendrons and a varied selection of other plants, particularly acers, cornus, viburnums, peonies, hostas and lilies as well as a growing collection of bulbs, alpines and perennials.

Brian has been the New Zealand Rhododendron Registrar for nearly 20 years and in that role assists and facilitates the registration of new cultivars and selected forms of species with the Royal Horticultural Society.


Mr Denis Hughes
Associate of Honour, NZIH

Honorary Life Members

Mr R Nanson

Mrs K. Millar,
Mr D. Hughes, Associate of Honour, NZIH
Mr J Howard
Mrs J Yeates

Past Presidents

Sue Davies, Joy O'Keefe, Dr T. Fitchett,
Mr G. Bailey, Mr R. Nanson MNZM,
Dr. S. Davies FRSNZ, FISHS, Mrs K. Millar
Mrs P Turnbull, Mr A Trott QSM

NZ Rhododendron Registrar

Brian Coker,
ph. 027 434 8383

Web Manager

Lisa Williams

ph. 021 746 368


Brian Coker
West Melton

Newsletter Editor

Chris Wilson
e-mail: [email protected]

ph: 027 345 1878



New Zealand Rhododendron Association