Hybrids N – S

Some of the information listed on these pages is provisional. Please contact the following persons with corrections:
Brian Coker email: [email protected] or Joy O'Keefe email: [email protected]


R. ‘Pukeiti’

Parentage: giganteum KW 21498 Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/ Named...

R. ‘Quick Flick’

Parentage: 'Autumn Gold' X 'Dido' Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/...

R. ‘Red Dazzle’

Parentage: arboreum X 'Ivery's Scarlet Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/...

R. ‘Regal Lace’

Parentage: 'Lem's Cameo' X 'Coker's Pink' Hybridiser / Raiser /...
R. 'Robert Balch'

R. ‘Robert Balch’

Parentage: arboreum subsp. zeylanicum X elliottii KW 19083 Hybridiser /...

R. ‘Ron Coker’

Parentage: open pollinated 'Loderi' Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/ Named...

R. ‘Rongo-iti Ruby’

Parentage: Kilimanjaro' X elliottii Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/ Named...

R. ‘Rose Imp’

Parentage: yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada' X unknown Hybridiser / Raiser /...
R. 'Rosebird'

R. ‘Rosebird’

Parentage: selected form of russatum Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/...
R. 'Rothesay'

R. ‘Rothesay’

Parentage: ciliicaylx open pollinated Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/ Named...

R. ‘Rowallan Surprise’

Parentage: unknown Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/ Named by /...
R. 'Rubicon'

R. ‘Rubicon’

Parentage: 'Noyo Chief' X 'Kilimanjaro' Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/...

R. ‘Sarita Coker’

Parentage: 'Sarita Loder' X 'King of Shrubs' Hybridiser / Raiser...

R. ‘Satin Cloud’

Parentage: yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada' X unknown Hybridiser / Raiser /...
R. 'Scarlett King'

R. ‘Scarlett King’

Parentage: griersonianum X 'Ilam Alarm' Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/...


Name Parentage Hybridiser/Raiser/Introducer/
Named by
R. Nancy Borthwick' 'Dido' x 'Ilam Apricot' Hyb. NZRA; R. Mr Pat Borthwick
R. Nancy Leigh' Unknown Mrs Irene Henry
R. 'Nosegay' Unknown Unknown
R. 'Nutress' griersonianum x 'Ilam Alarm'
R. 'Olwen's Dream 'Pacific Queen' x wardii Mrs. Gwen Grant and Mr L Grant'
R. Pania dichroanthum x unknown
R. 'Peggy Yeates' Unknown Hyb. J. Yeates; N. Ken Burns
R. 'Persian Lady' Same plant as 'Gordon Valley Supreme' Int. Ewan Perrott
R. 'Pink Cushion' yakushimanum F.C.C. x 'Mayday' Names by Ron Gordon
R. 'Pink Honner' Unknown Honner Family
R. 'Platinum Ice' augustinii x maddenii Mark Jury
R. 'Plum Duff' Unknown Mrs R. J. Coker
R. 'Pure White' dalhousiae x 'Elsie Frye' USA hybrid.N.by Graham Smith
R. 'Pukekura Park' Unknown
R. 'Queen's Park Hybrid' Unknown
R. 'Rachael' chlorops x 'King of Shrubs'
R. 'Red Felix' Unknown Eric Wilson
R. 'Red King' Unknown Jury's Nursery
R. 'Riverwood Cream' griffithianum x 'Crest' Brian Morris
R. 'Riverwood Regal' 'Mollie Coker' x Loderi g Brian Morris
R. 'Riverwood Regency' 'Ivan D Wood' hybrid Brian Morris
R. 'Roa Beauty' Unknown
R. 'Royal Lodge' 'Lemon Lodge' x 'Crest' Gordon Collier
R. russatum KB
R. 'Silent Shadows' 'Countess of Haddington' x lindleyi Colin Spicer
R. 'Southern Alps' Unknown Ilam Seedling Selected by Dr Melva Phillipson
R. 'Sovereign Gold' 'Crest' hybrid Mollie Coker; Alan Trott
R. 'Spearmint' 'Letty Edwards' x 'Faggetters Favourite' Mr F. Faletolu: Riverwood G
R. 'Spicer's Pink' yakushimanum x 'Mayday' R. Graham Petterson
R. 'Stoneycroft' macabeanum hybrid Joe Murdoch
R. 'Summer Cloud' yakushimanum x fortune Mrs Boswell