Some of the information listed on these pages is provisional. Please contact the following persons with corrections:
Brian Coker email: [email protected] or Joy O'Keefe email: [email protected]

R. ‘Alice Hennessy’
Parentage: griffithianum X 'Irene Stead' Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/ Named...

R. ‘Allen’s Surprise’
Parentage: yakushimanum X unknown Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/ Named by...

R. ‘Alpine Meadow’
Parentage: leucaspis selected seedling Hybridiser / Raiser / Introducer/ Named by...

R. ‘Amber Dash’
Parentage: yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada' X open-pollinated seedling of 'Gold Mohur' Hybridiser...